1997 - 2022

The Story of Bob:
Many years ago LCCR received a message from a woman named Pat at Lucy's Restaurant in the industrial area of Lethbridge to help a family colony of cats and kittens. It was bitter cold in the winter of 2006. Kittens were freezing to death. It was -30°. Elizabeth went to check out the situation. After talking with Pat, and removing the bodies of 5 kittens that were frozen to a chain link fence, wrapping them and putting in her vehicle, Elizabeth looked over to the stacks of pallets on the adjacent property, and she saw him. He had been sitting there watching her. She nodded at him and told him that the babies were safe now. That she would look after them. He turned and walked deeper into the pallets. Elizabeth named him Bob.
Over the following 2 weeks Elizabeth trapped several other young adults and removed the bodies of other frozen cats and kittens. Bob watched her. He was the last one. She set traps ... he looked at them, looked at her and walked away. Until he was the last one.
The cats there ate well. Pat fed them leftover food from the restaurant and was told that Bob had lived there for many years and fathered many kittens. He was estimated to be about 9 years old.
Bob came to live with Elizabeth. He was the Gatekeeper, the Silent One, the Observer. She would wake in the night to see him sitting on the chair, watching her, with his big round eyes.
Bob was a fire survivor, a survivor of the elements of snow, ice, bitter cold, and drought.
He never complained and was loved by all. He was a stoic ... grateful for everything he had and humble about it all. How does one pay tribute to such a gentle soul? By validating and honoring the simple existence of his presence. By having those who loved him share their stories. By always remembering him for the wise and gentle spirit that he was ... for 25 years.

Memories of Bob:
"Bob loved Temptations. And he knew that when I shut off the vacuum and wrapped the cord in place, it was time to play Temptations Tizzy! I would turn around after tucking the vacuum in its spot and there he would be … sitting on the top of a crate burning holes in my back until the Temptations came out! You will always hold a spot in my heart Bobalouie."
"Dear Bob, we will miss you so very much. Us volunteers and everyone that knew you were so fortunate to have known you. See you later Bobbert."
"All of us volunteers loved Bob. The way he’d just watch you to get what he wanted. The way he was always the first to greet new cats who were scared or sick. He was loved and I’ll hold my memories of him tight."
"I am so sad to hear this but happy that Bob had many good years and got to live such a long life. I’m so happy I had the chance to meet him while volunteering."
"I regret not making it to Lethbridge to see him one more time. He outlived all his known children. I still have 2 of his granddaughters and 5 great grandchildren. It's a sad day in my household."
"You were so handsome Bob. I'm so happy you had a warm loving home at the end and love from a wonderful human being. So terrible for him to see all the losses of kitties. May you be running wild and free sweet Bob."
"Sorry to hear this. He definitely was a wise boy. If only he could’ve actually talked, imagine the stories we would hear..."
"Rest in peace lovely Bob. Truly an incredible creature. I feel honored to have met this special boy. Thank you for extending life. He was so loved!"
"I have cried today for you and Bob! I have watched Bob over the time with love and complete adoration and when my old man Bobby passed last year, I found comfort in this old gent's eyes. Thank you for loving him and giving him the best life. He will forever be a legend and both Bobs are running free and wild."
"I only met you once but your presence made an impact on my life. Thank you Bob for all you were. RIP BOB."
"Rest in paradise dear old Bob. It was our honour for having known you."
"Bye lil buddy. It was a pleasure to have known you."
"I will hold Bob in my heart forever. It was an honor and a pleasure caring for him. I will miss you terribly...be well my friend until we meet again..."